Meet Don, his daughters Hallie and Mya, and their mother Jen. In March of this year, Don started experiencing visual changes, which were believed to be Ocular Migraines. Doctors later informed Don that they suspected something in his brain causing the migraines. Don suspected it was a blood pressure issue. Don’s vision continued to decline and he became very forgetful (which is out of character for Don). This led to him losing his job, and ability to drive, three weeks after symptoms began. Don’s health continued to decline without a clear diagnosis, adding an unbelievable amount of stress for him and his daughters. In addition, Don was uninsured at the time of onset. Hallie and her mother, Jen, advocated well for Don securing Health Insurance. However, this was following several trips to the hospital, urgent care, ophthalmologists, etc. All of this added a very serious financial strain to a frightening situation for Don and his entire family. April 21st (Don’s birthday) he stood up and fell to the ground, leading to a 7 day hospital stay. This started a series of trips to the hospital (some by ambulance) and multiple stays. Many tests were run repeatedly to determine the cause of these episodes. Don and his family were told that he was having multiple mini strokes from an undetermined cause. These strokes continued throughout May and June, leading to other symptoms that took a lot out of Don. This obviously left Don very weak and his family unsure of how to navigate it all. July 2nd, Don was taken again by ambulance to the hospital. Don experienced a series of strokes with increased severity. Doctors now suspect that Don may have a genetic heart disease that Don’s great grandfather had at Don’s age. Don is currently at Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital. The hope is to eventually send him to Iowa City to endure a medical procedure that cannot be done in Des Moines. As you can imagine, five months of waiting, suffering, loss of income, medical expenses, constant trips to hospitals, and the unknown of it all has taken a toll on this entire family (including Don’s brothers Dennis and Dave). There are a wide range of emotions, a lot of decisions to be made, and a financial strain that is causing immeasurable stress for his daughters. Please give what you can monetarily to support his family at this VERY difficult time. Please keep each of them in your prayers. There is a lot of unknown ahead, your support means a lot to them right now! Thank you!
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