Hello, I'm Margaret, a middle-aged widow, hoping to fund some urgent dental and medical needs critical to saving my remaining teeth, and recuperating as much of my health as possible. I have been trying to fund these with insurance and raising and saving disability income for the last 7 years- a pittance and not enough to meet basic needs without all the out-of-pocket medical and dental expenses I've had-This will require various doctors, dentists, oral surgeons and possibly medical treatment facility if I can afford it. I'm trying to raise at least $50,000.00 by the end of August to enable me to pay for some of the oral surgery and Lyme treatments. I was hoping that we could set up the LFEBridge to have the payments go to the dental and medical providers but they do not permit that anymore. I am asking for so much money because this is not just a matter of pulling rotten teeth but of surgically removing teeth that have broken at the gum line and the infection which goes all through most of the jaw bone and includes a large number of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and mold and Lyme and coinfections that only respond to specific non-covered medicines. Some of these medicines must be administered intravenously and are very expensive. My health is very complicated and difficult to treat but all the doctors and dentists agree that since all my problems affect each other and make each more difficult to heal that the infections must be treated along with the Lyme. Since I was 2 years old, I suffered from terrible stomach pains, food intolerance, allergies, malnutrition, weak bones, and constant infections. Extensive medical care and many diagnoses over the years revealed a multitude of specific illnesses, including Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Celiac disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Arthritis, black mold infections, and chronic Lyme disease since 1995. Despite continual searches for medical interventions and treatments, these issues have continued throughout most of my life. Lack of sufficient funding has prevented most of the dental and medical treatments. I was 16 when a major car accident caused severe damage in the upper back and neck which have yet to be corrected, and are a source of constant pain and require constant treatment. Additionally, a congenital malformation of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint causes lower back pain, and having been aggravated by another car accident, still necessitates treatments. This year, my hip was injured and ligaments torn, requiring more medical costs and many are not covered by insurance. The Lyme treatment has been too expensive for me to afford. I have had successive infections and increased co-infections that have settled in the teeth gums and bone causing chronic myelitis and extreme trigeminal nerve pain, excessive decay, loss of teeth, gum disease and deterioration of the jaw bone. Several teeth have broken off at the gum line, despite assiduous brushing, flossing, cleaning and dietary measures. The longer it takes to raise money for the necessary treatment, the more teeth I will lose, having already lost five (5). Oral surgery, debriding of the bone, and treatment of the infections with IV treatments are necessary. Hypoallergenic implants will be needed, as well as dental guards to protect teeth and gums from grinding and aid the TMJ. This too is not covered by insurance. Due to Lyme, co-infections, and black mold infections, many gut and endocrine problems have developed. My primary concern at the moment is the timely undertaking of these dental procedures, while treating the Lyme concurrently since the infections are very severe and are ruining other areas of my already fragile health. These conditions may prove fatal if not addressed in time. Concurrent Lyme and mold treatments are necessary as soon as possible so that the post-surgical sites do not reinfect. I am truly grateful for your concern and assistance. It would be great to hear from you in terms of moral support! Prayers are most welcome! Blessings to you all. Please do not forget to share this where you can as this is hugely expensive. Included below are cost estimates from oral surgeons, dentists, and doctors. Some will have to be added as they are made available, due to appointment costs needing to be met before a plan can be completed. The oral surgeon estimates currently shown are the best-case scenario (please open images in a new tab or download them to see them properly).
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