

Hello! My name is Sheryl. On July 25th I had a consultation appointment with an oral surgeon. In 6 weeks, I will be having surgery to remove all but five of my teeth and then getting dentures. Between three pregnancies, lack of dental insurance/finances, severe dental phobia, and genetics, my teeth have gone beyond saving. After losing our daycare arrangement and not being able to afford daycare prices, I had to give up my full time job for a part time job, allowing me to stay home with my kids. Our income has dropped significantly and we cannot afford to take time off of work. My surgery will require me to be out from work at least two days and James will be out for one or two as well. The only out of pocket cost that I have will for the surgery comes to $756. This isn't a lot but it is enough to strain us even more. I know times are hard for everyone right now and I appreciate anyone who is able to help us out, by sharing or donating. Thank you!

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