

On July 10th we went to Kadlec ER in the Tri-cities because Dawson was having some respiratory symptoms with a fever for about a week. A few days prior to going in, he started to not wanting to eat very much. Acting like he was uncomfortable and in a lot of pain when he eats. He tested positive for Rhinovirus and Bronchiolitis - and was admitted. His eating just kept trending down his entire stay at Kadlec for 7 days. He had many tests performed, saw many doctors, feeding specialists, and therapists and they didn't know what was wrong with him. They ultimately sent us home in hopes he would get better at home. Five days later he was seen at his primary care and had lost half a pound - told to have him readmitted. We decided to head back home to the west side of the state to bring him to a children's hospital. We ended up at Mary Bridge children's Hospital in Tacoma, WA where he was admitted and stayed for 4 days. More tests were performed and redone and again sent home. His follow up 2 days after discharge on Friday again revealed that he lost 3 oz. Now we are admitted at Seattle Children's Hospital as the last bit of hope for a solution to our baby. He weighs the same now that he did 3 weeks ago. He is in the less than 1st percentile for weight. Seattle Children's doctors aren't exactly sure why he is acting like it's very painful for him to eat, but seem like they won't be discharging him without answers. At this point they are concerned about brain development since he's not getting a sufficient amount of calories in per day. We're asking for some help with lodging, gas, food, and medical expenses now that we're over an hour away from home and still have a toddler who needs her mom and dad. If you're unable to help financially, any and all the prayers are extremely helpful! August 2nd update: Friends, family, and everyone contributing - thank you so much for the prayers, kind words and for financially giving. We are still at Seattle Children's Hospital and haven't gotten many answers still. Dawson now has a feeding tube placed and has already taken it out or it got dislodged 3 times.... so not looking like a good solution to going home. Yesterday on a fluorescence XR swallow study he had one episode of starting to aspirate while eating and some problems with eating when it hits his esophagus and starts to collect at the bottom instead of pushing through normally. He is getting about 80% of his food intake now through the feeding tube so this is helping him gain weight (about an ounce since he was admitted). We did get the exciting call this morning though that we have a room at the Ronald McDonald house so we are so excited to get to be close together as a family while Dawson is in the hospital. We can't thank you guys enough for the contributions to helping our family!

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