This June, the Dejager family received the devastating news that David has been diagnosed with a serious and advanced form of colon cancer. David had an emergency surgery but the cancer was not possible to be removed as it has spread to other organs. David is now going to start chemotherapy in hopes to shrink the cancer. For now, David has to have an ostomy bag, which comes with additional costs that are not covered by healthcare or his health benefits. At this time there are still many unknowns as David is undergoing more testing and waiting to meet with the Oncologist. We are humbly asking for your support to alleviate the financial burden that David and his family are facing during this hard and lengthy battle while he remains off work. With your generous contributions, we can make a significant difference in David's and Irene's life by offsetting the cost-of-living expenses. We sincerely thank everyone for your ongoing support and generosity, including your texts, calls, thoughts, and prayers.
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