

As some of you may know Dan has had recent health issues and now is in need of a kidney donation. It isn’t easy to share all this information, as well as ask for financial help, but we know that by sharing our story it will give him the best chance of a positive outcome-which is the most important thing! Dan needs a kidney donor in a timely manner. Dan was diagnosed with IGA disease in 2003. This means that his kidneys wouldn’t filter his blood, so he had to start manual dialysis. After 9 months, he was blessed with a kidney from his brother, Tom. Dan had a successful transplant, which gave him a fresh start with a healthy kidney. Dan had the opportunity to work regularly, he had the freedom to travel, and he was able to spend quality time with his family. For 19 years, Dan was able to focus primarily on family and work without suffering from the effects of kidney failure. In 2024, Dan's kidney failed, so he started to feel sick again. He is now doing automated peritoneal dialysis, which is a way to remove waste products from the blood. Treatment means that he is hooked up to a cycler machine for 10 ½ hours every day. This dialysis can work effectively for about 5 years. Without a kidney transplant, this is Dan’s foreseeable future. Dan is now on the National Kidney Registry, but the process of waiting for an organ donor can be lengthy. With a living donor, our wait time is automatically shortened. Statistically, a living donor kidney increases the success of the transplant procedure and the living donor kidney also lasts longer and functions better. We are actively looking for a living donor and welcome you to consider being tested. Initial screening is an easy online questionnaire and matches are made with blood work. Here is the living donor link- In the meantime, many expenses will accrue once we find a donor. We're raising funds to cover travel, hotel, meals, and after care for all involved in Dan's kidney transplant. Both Dan and the donor will need a support person to accompany them to the facility and provide care after surgery. Therefore, 4 people will be involved in the actual transplant process. We also want to help cover costs for extra time off for those missing work. Dan and his wife, Georgia, would need to commit to spending at least 30 days in Denver for the transplant and the donor and their support person typically need to have 2 weeks of recovery time. Any support would be greatly appreciated as our biggest concern is making sure that Dan and the donor are able to recover comfortably and as stress free as possible! We hope that by creating this page those of you who view will share love and support. We hope to raise awareness to the importance and benefit of receiving a living kidney. Dan is looking forward to freedom away from a machine, spending time with family and friends, and getting to travel during his retirement. Want to know of ways you can help? 1. Any donation, no matter how big or small. 2. Send positive thoughts and prayers. 3. Share our information with your family and friends. 4. If you feel compelled, please see if you are a match as a living donor ♡ it would mean the world to us. Our family wants to thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance. We cannot thank God enough for getting us one step closer to renewed kidney health for Dan! He deserves this! More information can be found on Dan's website.

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