Hello loved ones and good samaritans, As some of you may know, in April, our mom, Zilda, was rushed to the hospital after returning from a family vacation out of the country. When we arrived, she had gone into respiratory failure, and we found out that she had pneumonia in both of her lungs, leading her body to go into septic shock. She was then intubated and sedated, and also suffered from multiple strokes all while undergoing many different tests and procedures. During this time, the doctors told us that she only had a 30% chance to live but it is a miracle that we have our mother here with us today, and we are beyond grateful that she is currently recovering from the hit that she took; however, during her time in the hospital and now through her journey to recovery, the medical bills have unforgivingly piled high. About Zilda Zilda, better known as ZiZi, is a dedicated mother to her three children but is also a mother figure to anybody who enters her life. She is the light in any room, the life of the party, a chef, a musician; and no matter what she is doing, she is an artist. Her love is always pure, infinite, and unconditional and she is always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are, and no matter what she has going on. Even with all of the troubles that she has faced in the past few months, she continues to remain optimistic and continues to push herself and test her limits. How the funds will be used We are asking our community for support in any way to help alleviate the weight of medical bills, therapy, and ongoing treatments since she is currently unable to work. No amount is too small, and we are eternally grateful for your support. With warm regards, The Melo family!
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