

On June 16, 2024 while working outside in the Houston TX hot weather (Diesel Mechanic) my husband started to not feel well ambulance arrived and determined it was heat exhaustion. He was taken to the emergency room which they discovered that he had a stroke, they had to intubate him and life flight him to another hospital that would be more capable of caring for him. He had an acute ischemic stroke and intracerebral, intraventricular hemorrhage. Thanks to God he is still with us, but will need recovery to get better. He was discharged to a skilled nursing facility, currently has a peg tube for feeding and has a tracheostomy and is on oxygen. Currently can not move his left side, he is starting to talk some. Asking for help to cover his medical expenses especially to cover additional days at the nursing facility. If sent home which might be soon, he will need a hospital bed, oxygen, peg tube feeding machine. Any help will be greatly appreciated..May God bless you!

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