

Anyone who knows Brandie knows how giving and caring she is. Tables turned shed be there for ANYONE. Brandie has a rare condition called ODDI Disfunction there is no cure for this currently but stents in the bile duct can help. What’s the bile duct? Is a muscle between the pancreas and liver. You can not live with the bile duct. Brandie had a stent placed. And what should have been a simple process went bad. Brandie was taken by ambulance from one hospital to another due to extensive abdominal distending. A total of 15 pounds of fluid within 24 hours. After many tests we found out she has a pretty bad case of pancreatitis. She has been hospitalized for several days and will be here until things approve. She does have fluid surrounding her liver and might require a drain to help her drain all this expensive fluid build up. We are still waiting for tests to gain a better perspective. She has been out of work and is stressing about the cost all of this will be. Let’s help her ease the stress so she can focus on healing herself.

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