Dear Friend Familia & Extended Community, As some of you may know, our beloved friends Astro and Samaria are presently on the brink of birthing their two little Twinnies Earthside and beginning their fast-tracked and double blessed new Family life! Inspired by this courageous and heart lead undertaking, we are putting a call out to gather funds to assist these beautiful beings in the enormous and unexpected timing that this Twin adventure requires. As they approach the end of their pregnancy, with a few short weeks to go, life’s current hurdles and circumstances have caused a shortage in funds for them. So instead of physical gifts or a gift registry, what we feel would really support Astro and Samaria at this time, is a fund that we can pool together as a community/collective so that they can have access to the rest of the essential items and care that they need. Whilst they prepare the nest for their twin babes, our Mama and Papa to be are doing their best to keep costs at a minimum. Though reality is even when birthing in the public system and sourcing mostly all secondhand items, everything is still double with twins for these guys and so it really does adds up! To add further challenge most of their known community, friends and family all live at a distance and are thefore hindered in the ways they would like to give and support this beautiful couple on a practical level. So we feel that this here is the avenue to provide a means to do just that. Effectively and from afar. So whether you know these these sweethearts well or not, please watch the video we have added here so you can feel them and receive their brave reach out, which we as some of their close friends and organisers of this campaign encouraged them to vulnerably share. And for those who know the caring nature of Samaria and Astro, you would know they are both such generous-hearted beings who truly love to give and be of service to their friends and their community. The real humanitarian type who take heartfelt pride in being people others can turn to and rely on in times of need. So with this ongoing ethos of giving over the years and as a way they each operate, We truly feel it is their time now to receive. Allowing the considerations, blessings and generosity of others to reach them at their time of need. So in replacement of your presents or presence in their lives, your monetary contributions are going to be the best and most effective way to provide this soon to be family of 4 with the remaining resources they still need and are going to need moving forward into the post-partum phase and new family life on the horizon. Let’s show these special humans what’s possible when we come together in our humanity and in our giving. Inspired as the modern version of “the village” to participate in creating a truly positive and meaningful impact on this blossoming new family in need and the blessing that these two new little souls are bringing as next generation members of our Community. So without further delay, we warmly invite you to join us in together making this campaign a roaring and radiant success in reaching our amended target for this Family and Twinnies on the way. Because if anyone deserves this helping hand and injection of supportive-enabling love, it's these guys! Below we have included a breakdown and some of the essential items and services A & S have want and need. This is also for you to gain an idea of what your contributions will cover and where the money will go: ~ For Baby Related Items: baby bassinets (second snoo beds approx $1k each secondhand) & cots x 2 hospital grade breastmilk pump with accessories nappies x this will be up to 20-24 nappies in total per day at some stages! baby clothes x 2 baby bedding and sleep wear x 2 twin pram, capsule adapter pieces, pram accessories car seats, fittings & install for baby capsules x 2 baby carriers (multiple - twin carriers, independent carriers, carrier for newborns etc) baby first aid kit baby monitors nursing chair for nursery change table and goods glass breastmilk bottles, rubber teats and orthodontic dummies (multiple) specialised nursing pillow for twins - twin z & mybreastfriend baby bouncers / rockers / swings x 2 Baby mobile, playmat and minimal toys **We aim to raise as much as possible to put toward this section of expenses** ~ For Educational Resources + Pre/Post Natal Care Services: Antenatal classes Birth / feeding / sleeping courses (one was $400) Educational birth books Specialist screening, tests & first 22 weeks of twin scans (over $2k alone!) Naturopath consults x 1-2 Vitamin + Herbal supplements/remedies from beginning of pregnancy through to breastfeeding (So the long haul) Homeopathic consult and remedies for S & A (pre and post partum) Homeopathic Birth Kit Pelvic Physio x 3 sessions for structural alignment pre birth ($150 per session) Osteopath/Chiro for mum and babes pre/post birth ($100+ per session) - Samaria has only managed 1 x Osteo session pre birth but hopes to get 3-5 post birth for her & the girls Acupuncture ($80 per session, weekly for duration of pregnancy and Samaria will hope to have home visits once the twins are born during 4th trimester) Lactation Consultant ($250 per session, at least 2 required) Sleep Consultant (if needed) Placenta encapsulation $450 Post Natal meal support - there will be a community meal train but to take the burden off A & S in there will be a local naturopath chef friend helping him fill any gaps w home cooking/teaching visits ($500approx) ****We aim to raise as much as possible to put toward this section of expenses** ~ For Household/Supportive Life Extras: 2-4 helper friends will come to support over next 6months and A&S will contribute to their travel expenses Household Furniture items to adapt space for a baby friendly, streamlined and functional home - separate office area, breakfast bench, additional drawers/cabinets/storage/compartment items etc...(multiple) Paid offsite storage space at local storage facility ($4.5k for year) due to Astro needing to setup his mountain bike business from the downstairs garage, using the available storage space up that was once there ****We aim to raise as much as possible to put toward this section of expenses** Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful dint on the expenses above and be gratefully received in this Community initiative we are inviting you to be a part of. Together lets surround Astro and Samaria with love, care, and financial support during this magical time of Family making. Your generosity will not only ease their journey but also demonstrate the power of a united community. Thank you for considering how you can be a part of this wonderful endeavor with us :)
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