Hi my name is Alec Long and I am the owner of Chill Gelato in downtown Montpelier, VT. I'm here to ask for your support in repairing and rebuilding Chill. Our small shop has been devastated by the recent catastrophic flooding in central Vermont. We were stunned by the suddenness and destructive power of the floodwaters that inundated our business for over 24 hours with several feet of water. Unfortunately, because of the damage we sustained we are currently not able to serve the frozen treats that bring so much joy during the Vermont summer. Our goal with this fund is to be able to repair and replace our essential equipment and pay our employees. We love Montpelier and hope that this fund can help us return to serve the community we love so much once again. Several of our essential pieces of equipment were damaged or destroyed including our refrigeration, freezer and display case as well as significant inventory. The shop itself will likely need to be completely gutted as well before we can reopen. Thank you warmly for your support...
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