

We are trying to raise funds to help Cheryl with medical and monthly expenses. In case you didn't know, Cheryl has had 2 strokes within the span of 6 months. This has caused her to not be able to work as usual in order to provide for herself and her son, Aiden. She is the sole bread winner and caretaker for herself and Aiden. Not being able to work for 6-12 months will be a challenge that I hope we can help with in many ways! There are obviously medical expenses that we all know can be a situation that no one is ever prepared for. Combine this with not being able to work due to her medical condition, it is a daunting task of choosing what to pay and what not to pay. I am sure a lot of you have also experienced this overwhelming feeling. I am hoping that we can all come together and help our girl out! We got to get her past this so she can not stress about it and focus on getting physically better.

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