

Holly Hutton had a sudden medical emergency related to a brain bleed on June 27th. She spent three weeks in the ICU and is still in the hospital. The farming family of Holly, Charley, Shasta and Jonathan Hutton is now facing enormous medical bills. The Huttons would not ask for help in this regard, so the people who attend the Christian & Baptist Church with the Hutton family want to reach out to get help for them to cover their medical bills. On June 27th, Charley took Holly to the hospital in late June and she was then flown to St. Luke's in Boise because of the severity of her condition. She only left the ICU and went to a regular room on July 17th. Charley and his family are farmers. and they have some medical insurance, but not much. If you would like to help out with their medical bills please donate using this LFEBridge so that they have ready access to the funds.

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