

Hi my name is Molly. I’m doing this for my mamma. Carrie Goss. She is one the most wonderful, amazing and honest human beings I have ever had the pleasure to be around. I am so proud to call her my mamma. She is going through chemo right now and it has been so hard on her body, they are stopping the treatment she has been doing because her body can’t handle it. They are going to try a different route. But the reason I’m doing this for her is because she could get treatments through a nature path that would be way easier on her body. They do infusions of a little bit of chemo with a big dose of vitamin c. But these treatments are not covered by insurance and they don’t have the cash to pay out of pocket. So that’s why I’m doing this. So to anyone who does donate to this our whole family and me especially Thankyou for your help. I’d like to keep this amazing woman around as long as possible ❤️

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