

On July 4th, while building a fire for the family to make smores, Travis suddenly collapsed at their home. Amandas brother and RPD officer, Billy was there was able to immediatly start CPR while waiting for medical teams to arrive. The following morning they received the news that, at 34 years old, Travis had suffered a heart attack. He had blockages in two of his main arteries and they have put stents in place. Travis is still in the hospital and recovering. The Corder family was scheduled to leave on a Disney Cruise in two weeks, somethings that they had planned and saved for years to enjoy. Due to this emergency, they will be unable to go and Disney policy will not allow a refund. We would like to start a Go Fund me, not only to help cover those costs so they can reschedule and make up the time as the family when he is better, but also to cover the many medical bills, time off of work and other expenses they have. Please donate if you can, but if you can't will you please share and pray for this amazing family.

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