"Hakuna Matata!" Anyone whos ever had the pleasure of crossing paws with Candy, knew that her passion ran deeper than deep for many causes far beyond the furry kind. Her knowledge of what was current and happening in the world reached far beyond the Belizean Pennisula of Placencia. I could swear my mom was living on Narnia. She knew things before most. and the strongest willed woman that I have known, spoke her mind right wromg or indifferent. Overcame a fluke spinal cord injury and being paralyzed from the waist down which she overcame and when her little feet hit the ground she was a runnin, even in her UFO's as she called them (unidentified foot obects). My Mom, My Rock, has had a very bright, colorful life and i dont mean the socks she wore and the many hats she put on. From graduating with a Masters Degree in Biology and Chemistry and us living and her teaching on an Indian Reservation in New Mexico in adobe houses with dirt floors, getting to travel to Indian Art Shows and serving hordurves to guests at her Art Gallery with the showing of R.C. Gorman and Georgia O'Keeffe on the menu to moving to Arizona and napping in a recording studio listening to Stevie Nicks in Fleetwood Mac, then off to another adventure being a pack guide in Montana, running "a rent by the week" dive in Bayfield to working guest services in Zion. Yes "MY MOM" has a life filled with adventure but now it has come full circle with Candys Catery coming home to where it all began. Please help and let the saga thrive with what was most passionate to her. The little Furry ones.
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