Welcome! We are Candice and Jason Bryson and we are very excited to be able to share our story and God's plan for our lives with you. This page is dedicated to sharing our infertility struggle as we are now able to move forward with IVF after a long road of setbacks and fertility treatments. First, a little bit about us. Jason and I met in college and have been together for the past 11 years and we just celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We are truly kids at heart and love to be around our family and friends and most importantly, we love to laugh. About 3 years ago we decided the time was right to try and expand our family. After a year of trying without success I went in for some bloodwork and it was confirmed - I was not ovulating. I was put on Clomid which is a fertility drug that stimulates ovulation. After 3 cycles Jason and I woke up the morning of Super Bowl Sunday (a very special holiday in our family!) and were ecstatic to see that we had a (well, 5) positive pregnancy tests! We laughed, we cried, we prayed, we were just so grateful that this big moment was finally happening. Two weeks after we got the confirmation from the doctor that we were pregnant, I woke up at 3:00 AM on Sunday night with the most excruciating pain in my right side. I knew something was wrong. I called the doctor's office that morning and they had us come in immediately. The doctor said that all seemed to be fine. He believed that a cyst on my ovary had ruptured causing all the pain but I needed to come back the following morning to confirm with an ultra sound. That morning I remember sitting in the waiting room and reading my daily devotion, this is what I read and I use it as a constant reminder to this day:"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 I knew I needed this but at that moment, I didn't know why. After my ultra sound the doctor came in with the results and told me that it was not what he expected. I had a pregnancy in my right tube (ectopic) which was life threatening for me if my tube were to rupture. He then said I would need to come back at 4:00 that afternoon for 2 methotrexate injections (form of chemo therapy) in order to dissolve the pregnancy. Driving home that morning was an out of body experience. How did we just go from Cloud-9 to terminating our pregnancy? I remember the second I got home, I dropped to my knees and prayed. I told God that I knew that His plan for us was perfect and that as hard as this was, I trusted Him. We had to wait for 3 months to be able to start trying again and the doctors recommended that we have an HSG test to make sure that my tubes were clear in order to avoid another ectopic. During this test, they injected dye into my fallopian tubes and examined them under an x-ray. We were absolutely thrilled to get the news that my tubes were clear! Alas, some good news! Two months after the HSG test, I went in for a routine ultra sound to scan for mature follicles and at that point the doctor diagnosed me with a Hydrosalpinx (fluid in my tube causing blockage). My fertility specialist said that this fluid could leak into my uterus making it hard for an embryo to implant. In addition, if we were to try IVF, it would cut the success rates in half if we left the tube in. After a lot of prayer and discussions Jason and I decided to move forward with the tube removal and I had the surgery last Friday. We were told that my left tube looks good and that we should be able to start IVF treatments in December 2015. IVF is very expensive and our insurance does not cover any of the cost. We are expected to pay $12,000 for the process itself and an additional $3,500 for the medications up front. Needless to say, after the many unforeseen procedures I've had this year, we need to humble ourselves and ask for monetary help and more importantly - prayers. We would love the opportunity to be parents and will continue to trust that God's plan for us is so much greater than we could ever imagine. Thank you for taking the time to hear our story and please feel free to share this on Facebook or any social media!Also, we want to personally thank our family and close friends who have been on this journey with us since the beginning. We don't know how we would have made it this far without your support and encouragement and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!Thank you!Candice & Jason
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