

Hi All, my sister has started this fundraising in Brazil for our mum and I am sharing it. As some probably know, my mum has been fighting cancer for some years now. She was initially diagnosed with colon adenocarcinoma. A few years later, the news came that this cancer had spread to the liver and then to the lungs. Later, new primary cancers were also found in the thymus, in the head and ovary. She was now diagnosed with a Multiple Neoplasm Syndrome, a syndrome where many primary tumors appear in the same person instead of just metastases. It is a rare disease and many doctors do not understand much about it yet and some had never seen such a case. Unfortunately my mum does not have a private health plan, she had a tumour in the head when she was quite young and that limited her ability to get private a health plan. The public health system in Brazil is not the best, many people just get a paracetamol for cancers. We have been lucky that we have managed to get some of my mum’s cancer surgeries in public hospitals. Some we paid privately. Now my mum has a new cancer in her eye. It is extremely aggressive. And as the economic situation in Brazil has been particularly bad since covid, we have not managed to get any of my mum cancer tests or eye surgery (get the eye removed) or chemo at the public hospital. We will have to pay it privately. That comes on top that we had already booked a non- refundable family trip to Italy for my mum for Christmas. Her last trip and dream. We have started this fundraising to help pay the surgery and tests. We understand that inflation has hit everyone so please do not feel pressured to help. We are also asking people to pray, I am not religious, but my mum is. We know she will not live forever but we just want her to be health enough to come to Italy at the end of the year. As everyone asks how old my mum is, I will tell you in advance, she is 69. Thank you

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