

As many of you are aware, our daughter Cambrie Holguin has been fighting a ten year battle against multiple health challenges due to an injury that befell her on a church youth trip in her senior year of high school.  For the past several years she has been struggling at a pain level of 8 to 9 on a daily basis.  Thankfully in these last few months Cambrie found a doctor that could help reduce this pain by performing a nerve ablation in her SI Joints.  The procedure was a success and the nerves appear dead.  However her pain is not gone yet.  She will need 8 to 9 weeks of specialized physical therapy in order to train her muscles to react to the destabilization of her SI Joints.  The doctor says after this she should have little to no pain in this area.   We are so thankful for all the prayers and support many of you have continually been blessing us with as our family has gone through this trial.  We give God all the glory for every measure of comfort, grace and love we have witnessed throughout these past few years.  However, we are specifically asking for your support again first and foremost we ask for your prayers and secondly if you are able to, we ask for your financial support.  As a mother, I can tell you that one of the worse things to witness is your child in chronic pain for any length of time.  Ten years of doctors, MRI’s, X-rays, Physical Therapy’s, medications, and medical procedures takes its toll on a family.  Even with insurance and help from family they have thousands in medical costs still owed to hospitals and doctors. However, her insurance will only cover $500 total for physical therapy in what will cost $3000.  They offer no option for payment plans like many of her doctors and hospitals have allowed.  They require cash up front or no therapy.  Will you please join us in supporting Cambrie Holguin so that she can afford to receive this important step necessary in her restorative process?

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