

This is our beautiful daughter Ada, she was born in November 2024 following an extremely traumatic birth. Unfortunately she sustained a severe brain injury called a H.I.E (hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy) event. She now suffers with dyskinetic cerebral palsy, complex epilepsy, global developmental delay and cortical visual impairment (CVI). She is unable to roll, sit unaided, crawl or walk, nor is she able to feed herself. We are grateful she is orally fed, although she started out with a Nasal-gastric tube, we managed to transition her to oral feeding at 5 months old. Ada has therapy through the NHS, but, as with a lot of NHS services, it is limited and underfunded. The first 5 years for a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy are the most important in regards to accessing early intervention therapy. In order to give her the best possible start in life, we have to fund this therapy privately. The financial strain is huge, yet we have no choice, like any parent, you do everything in your power to protect and give them every chance in life. Ada has private physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, reflexology, occupational therapy and bobath input. The NHS will only provide one supportive seat, and one standing frame. Any additional equipment must be privately funded, including sensory toys, which are of course 3 x the price of a toy for a neurotypical child. We are hoping to fund an intense therapy session (running over 2-3 weeks), if we are selected to participate, we need to raise at least £5000 within a few days to pay for the therapy course. We may not get the opportunity, but If we are successful we need to be ready! If we are unsuccessful, any funds raised would go towards her weekly therapies and equipment, and we’d be eternally grateful. Ada will never not require therapy, we will continue to research things that may help her and push as much as we can to enable her to experience everything possible, we can only do that with the generosity of others. Thank you for reading, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your donation

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