

Troy is finally having back surgery August 15 after living with debilitating pain for the last 2 years! Yay on one hand, boo on another. He will have a L2/3 spinal fusion due to a completely blown out disc and significant vertebral degeneration. Turns out drinking only Mountain Dew and working construction your whole life does, in fact, catch up to you at some point… Anywho… as you can imagine, this is a pretty serious procedure and will require a couple of weeks of doing absolutely nothing, followed by several more weeks of doing almost absolutely nothing, before returning to light activity, and eventually/hopefully normal life after that - minus a whole lot of pain. But these many weeks of recovery mean many weeks of missed work and lost wages. Plus, some out of pocket expenses that add up before you know it (“healthcare” in America is a joke)… and Drea is going to need a caretaker bonus (ie a giant bowl of spicy ramen and a vodka cranberry) after playing (ahem, “sexy”) nurse to Troy, who happens to be the biggest baby when he doesn’t feel well. So if you can and you want to, please help ease the financial burden of this wild surgery journey so Troy can focus on getting well, getting stronger, and getting back to being the goofy loving guy you all know so well. I’m sure you don’t have to think very hard to remember a time when Troy came to your rescue, so please come to his. With love and gratitude, Us

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