Many of you know that my amazing nephew Brighton is needing his 4th open-heart surgery in August. He's had many heart procedures and although they seem to be just a part of our life; it never makes it any easier. Since this will be his last pediatric procedure, he's requested to return to Salt Lake City and Primary Children's Hospital. There is comfort for him in returning to the hospital where all of his previous surgeries and procedures have been done with the surgical teams and staff that know him. For his parents, it makes sense not to have to transfer all of his records to another pediatric hospital and surgical team for this last pediatric surgery… and everything else is just as comforting for them too. Because it is a difficult procedure and he struggled to recover after the previous one, it is looking like Brighton and his mom (Alicia) will be in the area for at least a month. They will need to be in a hotel for the week leading up to the surgery and then at least 3 weeks after surgery until they can return home. While he is in the hospital, Alicia has applied to stay in the Ronald McDonald room. However, we won’t know if she gets approved until he is officially admitted. They have wonderful friends in the area that have offered to help, but I know how emotionally hard preparing for and recovering from surgery is for Bo and Alicia. Having some space where they don’t feel like they are a guest and just can focus on Bo’s recovery is more ideal. A hotel allows them to rest and have quiet when needed and he can still have his friends visit him when he is strong enough. On top of travel expenses, there are medical bills. As many of you know, they live in John Day, Oregon. Since the surgery is going to be in Utah, Jason and Alicia are unsure how much their insurance will cover since it will be out of state. I know that Alicia is diligently working on pre-authorizations, etc to get it covered, but it is still unknown until they get to Utah and have a set surgical plan. I am hoping that with help from all of you, we can provide some calm in this time of chaos for them. Jason, Collin and Ellie will be staying in John Day to continue to run their family-owned business and work on selling their home (and possibly moving when it does). Having the family separated for that long of a time is difficult. I know that Jason and Alicia are doing everything in their power to scrimp and save for the upcoming financial aspects that arise with this level of medical need. (If you are local to John Day, Oregon and prefer to donate directly, you may deposit into Brighton Griffin's account at First Community Credit Union) Even if there is not much you can help with monetarily, I know that Jason, Alicia, Brighton, Collin, and Ellie would appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts possible. They are very strong in their faith and the smallest gesture of a kind thought would mean the world to them. Your love and support are so greatly appreciated. If you are so blessed and inclined to donate financially, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Even the broken but mended one.
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