

Hello there! Unfortunately April this year my family and I was hit with the devastating news that my wonderful mum has breast cancer! In June she underwent major surgery - which didn't quite go to plan. This meant she had to have further invasive surgery a few weeks later. This week we have now been told she is going to need intensive chemotherapy treatment starting ASAP. As we all know one of the many side affects of chemotherapy is hair loss. Those of you who know my mum Kirsty know how much she loves her hair and being a hairdresser herself and doing everyone else’s hair to make them feel and look the the best they can. - you can bet she's going to have the best looking wig in Hucknall! That being said - my mum isn't the only person about to loose her hair this year... Myself and my friend Rhiannon will be shaving our heads in support. Since having surgery my mum has been left unable to work. As a hairdresser and a single parent I'm sure you can understand that along with the physical and emotional strain of cancer, it has now left her with a huge finacial strain with no income - Turns out cancer doesn't care if you've got bills to pay and children to feed! The money raised will go towards helping my mum with the finacial impact this has left her with. My hair is going to be donated to the little princess trust (Rhiannon’s is too short to donate) Please give whatever you can as every little bit will help. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I understand not everybody can donate so please share this post.

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