Welcome to Bonnington Square!….The site in which the Pleasure Garden now stands was the result of WW2 bomb damage. The Bonnington Square Community Garden (BSCG) was formed by Local Residents to lay claim to the “wasteland”. After prolonged negotiations with the powers that be money became available from a joint Government and Local Council scheme and construction began in August 1994 transforming the land into a little slice of paradise that now beholds you – ‘The Pleasure Garden’. The garden is open from morning to evening, open to all and is lit up at night with up-lighters and fairy lights that transform it into a place of serene magic. The garden is locked at night. It is exclusively maintained by the residents, receiving no ongoing funding from any source other than the generosity and tenacity (for fund raising) of those who use and love her. The garden is open for anyone to join be they resident or friend.
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