

The day was October 7, 2015, Blaine Goll was sitting in the emergency department of Medical Center of the Rockies with a terrible ache in his right side.  Blaine thought he was just having a really bad stomach ache and the doctors would check him out, give him some medicine and release him.  Blaine expected he'd be back to his daily routine in a matter of a few short days.  As of October 15, 2015, Blaine was still in the hospital.  By now the doctors had performed 3 procedures and attempted to put a stent in.  He spent 9 days in the hospital.  Additionally, Blaine is down 30 pounds since not feeling well.   The doctors informed Blaine he has stage 4 inoperable liver cancer.At 64 years young Blaine has been diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma and been given 3-9 months.  We are inspired to help Blaine.  Just as he helped others throughout his life, we want to help him find the best care, treatment and stress-free day-to-day living as possible.  He has elected not to go through chemothereapy, rather a regime of homeopathic and naturpathic remedies.  Your gift will mean a lot to Blaine and it will be invaluable to meet all his financial necessities.  These critical contributions you make will have a positive impact during this difficult journey.  Together we can assist Blaine to navigate the days to come in the most positive and comfortable way possible.  Simply put, we are supporting Blaine because he needs and deserves support!May we encourage you to contribute to help Blaine?"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late"   ~Ralph Waldo EmersonA Silent Disease:Cholangiocarcinoma is often labeled a silent disease because many times the signs and sypmtoms can go unnoticed until the cancer is in the advanced stage.  Even when there are early signs and symptoms, they may be vague and easily attributed to another disease.  Cholangiocarcinoma starts in the bile duct that reaches from the liver to the small intestine.  The major function of the duct is to move bile from the liver and gallbladder to the smalll intestine, where it helps digest fats in food.  Surgery for Blaine is not an option as he is already at stage 4.Adapted from National Institutes of Health: Here are some tangible ways your donation will help Blaine:*Assist with medical bills for the 9 day hospital stay as Blaine has minimal insurance because he is self employed and has no other income.*Pay his mortgage so he may stay in his own home - he is no longer working so he does not have an income.*Assist in obtaining alternative medicine and vitamins as he will not be taking chemotherapy.Who is Blaine Goll - Blaine is a Father to Tiffany and Blaine II and he has 3 beautiful grandchildren Peyton 16, Ellie 6 and Carter 14months.  He is self employed and has been running "Blaine's Coach Craft" for 30 years.  Blaine has been involved in numerous fundraisers himself,  hosting car shows on his own property for causes such as Berthoud High School and Habitat for Humanity.  Who we are - Dan and Barbara and we have been Blaine's neighbor and friend for the last  10 years.  We very much love and respect Blaine and want to rally for him and surround him with love.Please join us in helping Blaine Goll to realize the best life possible by contributing to this fundraiser.  "There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle"   ~Albert Einstein

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