For a friend in need; Hi my name is Tina Nanfria, I am writing this plea for help because of our dear friend John Howaniec who needs our help. Most of us know him as Johnny or Big John.In Sept 2012 he was diagnosed with stage 4-colon cancer. The doctor’s initial action was to attempt to remove the cancer via surgery. John was on-board and he underwent a major surgery to remove the cancer from his colon. However, during the surgery, the doctor had noticed the cancer had already traveled to his liver and therefore he could not remove all the cancer. This was devastating to John and everyone that knows him.During recovery from surgery, John’s doctor told him the next option to remove the remaining cancer was to begin chemotherapy as soon as possible. Again, John was up for the challenge and he began an extensive chemotherapy treatment plan that included three different kinds of chemotherapy. These treatments were very tough on John. Anyone who knows of someone that has undergone chemotherapy treatment, would know how hard the treatment is on ones body and mind.During and after each kind of chemotherapy, John’s test results were never able to show he was winning the battle against his cancer. John’s cancer always seemed to have the upper hand. John’s quality of life during his treatment plan had deteriorated. The chemotherapy side effects and the remaining cancer was crippling to John’s body and mind. Since John was not making significant progress against his cancer, and the chemotherapy side effects were making everything else worse, John decided it was time to focus on his quality of life, rather than quantity of life. John really wants to enjoy life to the fullest as long as possible, knowing the cancer progression will be debilitating. Although John’s doctor has done what he can to make John as comfortable as possible, John has a very difficult time sleeping. Each night, John can only sleep an hour or two at a time before he waking up due to significant discomfort. John’s doctor recommended he sleep in a recliner rather than a bed. The recliner would give John more support where he needs it and that would help improve his ability to get a longer, more restful sleep. In addition, the recliner could also help lift John from a seated position when it is too difficult for John to stand-up on his own. All who know Johnny (Big John) would agree that the recliner would need to be strong to lift him up to a standing position. Due to his size, this type of recliner would need to be custom built and would be more expensive than a traditional recliner. This type of recliner would need to be custom built. However, John does not have the financial means to purchase one. John’s only financial income comes from Social Security, which is a limited fixed monthly wage. His limited income will not allow him to finance the purchase of the recliner, while paying for future medical needs. As his terminal illness progresses, his medical needs will continue to increase. The funds raised will also go for his funeral and burial expenses when that time comes. As his friend, we need to help look out for Big John as he has always done for us and would continue to do in the future if he could. If you could help by making a donation to his care, it would truly be appreciated. All the money being raised is going directly into his account created for these expenses. Please continue to pray for him and for a cure… CANCER SUCKS!!!We know he truly thanks you for your friendship, prayers and support! Love/From,All his family and friends that love him very much!!
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