Barry O’Callaghan is a founding member of the GoSet Gold Coast Club and up until recently worked from home, as he has for the past 20 years, caring seven days a week for live-in overseas students. His wife Noriko works as a Teacher’s Aid and nineteen-year-old Jack is studying a Business Management course at Queensland University. Barry is not a man of wealth but is widely known as a most generous person, giving of himself, and at times financially to those in need. And it is now it’s Barry that needs help. He was diagnosed in April with inoperable liver, lung and pelvic cancers and just recently suffered bleeding on the brain which has resulted i him being admitted to the Gold Coast Hospital and is now in hospice undertaking palliative care. Barry has reconciled his situation and his only concern right now is to find a way to provide some ongoing financial stability for Noriko and Jack. This is where we come in.
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