

We are Alisa & Laura Bennett, and we’re 12 yrs. old.  We are a homeschool family, and we are raising funds for an educational and charitable road trip in March 2016.Our dream is to travel across the southern United States, learning about geology, astronomy, the geography & topography of our great Country, the Civil War, and civil rights. We also want to learn about each State’s unique culture. The States we are planning to go through are: ·         California - start                  · South Carolina·         Arizona                                       · North Carolina·         New Mexico                            · Tennessee·         Texas                                            · Arkansas·         Louisiana                                   · Oklahoma·         Mississippi                               · Colorado·         Alabama                                     · Utah·         Florida                                        · Nevada·         Georgia                                      · Finishing in CaliforniaWe are also studying economics, and learning about different business models.  Part of those studies includes: the basics of running a small business (entrepreneurship), how to budget money (revenue  & expenses), and also fundraising.  Our goal is to personally raise the funds we need to do this trip.  We have started a few small businesses.  We had a garage sale, started a gumball machine business, have been selling lemonade & redvines at all the soccer fields each weekend, and we are baking and crafting to sell things at a winter fair.  To reach our goal we will also need to fundraise.LFEBridge is one of our fundraising campaigns to help us realize our dream to learn about the places we may never see, and help people living in those communities.It is really important to us to help out at various charities along the way and give back to the people in the States we visit.  We haven’t identified all the charities yet, but we will be partnering with charitable organizations to help their causes.  Our hope is to serve:·        Veteran’s/Military·        Habitat for Humanity·        Native Americans·        Disadvantaged Kids·        AnimalsWhen we get home, we will be doing a community presentation to show people what we accomplished and what we learned.We would love for you to join our adventure.  Your donation will include you in our trip blog, bring our lessons to life, and help us make a difference in each state we visit.Thank you!

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