This is a go fund me page set up by friends of Randee Craghead. Randee was recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma and had a golf ball size brain tumor removed. Randee has faced multiple hardships, loss of work, extensive dr. visits, and hospital stays which has taken a toll on their family, including their daughter who has put competitive basketball on the back burner, all while fighting this fight, she is walking along side her momma who is also battling cancer. Randee’s drs have recommended targeted radiation and immunotherapy. Randee is continuing treatment and has several more appointments that have been scheduled to find out their path to recovery. We want Randee to have the medically recommended treatment available so we are raising money to help pay for the expenses as she does not have insurance. Additionally any money raised will go toward supplementing Randee’s income. Everyone looks for a way to help in a time of crisis, and the reality is that monetary contributions are a massive help. Randee and her family are not the type to ask for help, but they are in what seems like an impossible situation. We know all things are possible with our heavenly father. We would like to help them with prayer but also with financial support. Many of you have asked us to help in this venture, so please consider donating today.
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