I am humbly ask you to help my family. On Saturday July 8th, Alx and her beloved corgi Emrick were attacked by a dog who had broken off its leash. The dog’s owner then assaulted Alx by shoving her into her car door. (We have this on a neighbor’s security video and have pressed charges.) The area around Emrick’s right eye was bleeding, but luckily he wasn’t hurt worse. Alx, however, seriously injured her neck in the assault. The police called an ambulance after realizing she was unable to stand up straight or move her right hand normally. Alx was hospitalized at the end of August for 8 days due to injuries related to this assault. She still does not have normal function or sensation in her arms/hands or right leg despite months of physical therapy and has already undergone 2 surgical procedures. The next step is a cervical ablation. Alx already had pre-existing cervical and shoulder issues and sees a chronic pain specialist. Her pain was so severe even before this injury that it causes fainting episodes also known as vasovagal syncope. (She underwent months of cardiac testing this year to rule out issues with her heart since each episode is preceded by chest pain and a huge drop in her heart rate.) This newest injury is not only physically disabling, but mentally it has caused her to sink into another major state of depression. Despite this awful reality, Alx remains deeply committed to her sobriety which is admirable. Though Alx is unable to work outside the home, her efforts to apply for long-term disability, housing and food assistance for her and her daughter have been met with roadblocks due to her being illegally adopted (trafficked) from Chile as a newborn. I am our family's sole financial provider and my ability to work this summer was severely limited due to the care needs of Alx and our three children. I am asking today not only for your love and prayers, but also for your financial support. While any amount of money would help, the amount requested is HALF the approximate cost of one year of living expenses for Alx and her daughter alone. This cushion would be life saving as it would allow us to meet not only their basic needs for survival, but also to resume Alx’s costly mental health interventions not covered by Medicaid. Thank you for considering our family’s request. Even if you are unable to donate, please help spread the word by sharing this post.
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