

Hi, my name is Stephanie, me and my husband are trying to raise money to start a family. As much as this pains me to ask others for help in this desperate time, we are running out of options. I was diagnosed with stage four endometriosis in 2018. It has taken over my entire abdomen and after multiple surgeries, has made it impossible to have children of my own. There is nothing more in this world that I’d rather be than a mother. Fortunately, I am still able to carry, which has led us to an egg donor but as I’m sure you could imagine, they do not come cheap. This is where me and my husband need your help. We have already been though IVF twice without making it to an embryo transfer because of mine and another donors eggs not viable enough to make embryos. We are both hard working individuals just trying to have a simple dream of having a family. Any amount of help would be greatly appreciated, even just a simple share of this page.

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