

Hello, as a group effort we are starting this fundraiser to help Zack and Melanie in their long NICU stay! Baby Jaxon was born a twin less twin losing his brother Liam, on 7/19/ 2024 weighing in at 2 lbs! He has been through 3 surgeries already and is possibly facing another. He has a long stay in the NICU in Tampa ahead of him but he is a FIGHTER! Mom and dad could use some help getting through this long battle. Dad will be driving back and forth from Melbourne to Tampa every weekend, as he will have to work during the week. Mom will be staying in Tampa by Jaxon’s side. This young couple has shown such strength through all of this and could use some help taking some of their worry of extra expenses away! Please keep this amazing couple and our sweet Jaxon in your prayers ! Any help is greatly appreciated.

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