

El 3 Marzo del 2024 el Padre Jose de Jesus fue diagnosticado con Cancer de Pancreas ha sido un proceso doloroso despues de dos operaciones, 27 quimioterapias y 28 radiaciones el sigue luchando contra esta terrible enfermedad y no ha dejado de trabajar aportanto contenido en redes sociales sobre su mision en la tierra, aunque lo miramos muy optimista esta preocupado por su tratamiento tan costoso ya que no lo cubre la aseguranza. Lamentablemente el cancer sigue avanzando y se lo han detectado en el higado tambien. El Padre Chuy ha sido una persona entregada a su comunidad sirviendo a Dios nuestro Senor en el area de California, Washington y Oregon tiene 23 anos de sacerdocio y 33 anos de vida religiosa LOS INVITO POR FAVOR APOYARLO DIOS NOS MULTIPLICARA DE MUCHAS MANERAS con salud, con bienestar recuerden que la palabra de Dios nos dice lo que hagas con el mas pequeno de mis hijos lo haces conmigo. Lo que ustedes puedan aportar sera de mucha ayuda 1 dolar 2, tres etc. esto hara la diferencia todos junto podemos salvar su vida, el tratamiento es muy costoso y ahora depende solo de la ayuda economica que nosotros podamos aportar para un tratamiento de Inmunoterapia el el Area de Seattle WA. Si necesitan mas informacion sobre su salud y su batalla que esta pasando lo pueden contactar en Facebook como Jose De Jesus Sanchez On March 3, 2024, Father José de Jesus was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. It has been a painful process after two operations, 27 chemotherapies and 28 radiations. He continues to fight against this terrible disease and has not stopped working, contributing content on social networks about his mission on earth, although we look at him very optimistically, he is worried about his expensive treatment since insurance does not cover it. Unfortunately, the cancer continues to progress and it has been detected in the liver as well. Fr Chuy has been a person dedicated to his community serving God our Lord. .in the states of California, Washington and Oregon. He has been a priest for 23 years and has been a religious for 33 years. I INVITE YOU, PLEASE SUPPORT HIM GOD WILL MULTIPLY US IN MANY WAYS with health, with well-being remember that the word of God tells us: "What you do with the smallest of my children you do with me". What you can contribute will be very helpful 1 dollars 2, three etc. This will make a difference together we can save his life. The treatment is very expensive and now it depends only on the economic help that we can provide for an Immunotherapy treatment in the Seattle WA. If you need more information about his health and the battle that is going on, you can contact him on Facebook as Jose De Jesus Sanchez.

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