This little man has been a blessing from the moment he was born. There is no one stronger or more determined. He is nine years strong, I stay strong because in all his years he has endured countless surgeries and has been in and out of the hospital. The last couple weeks he has been in the hospital trying to learn how to walk and eat on his own. Last I spoke to him he was so excited because he had turkey for lunch and stood all by himself!He also said titi my dream is to walk one day, then run and jump:) Needless to say I cried, not because I was sad, but because I can't wait to see him do all this and more. Today his parents were told he would have to stay a little longer in the hospital which has been hard on all of them, but there is a silver lining:) Ayden took his very first steps! He is always smiling and The cup halfway full kind of guy. So the reason I'm on here is to ask for help. It's hard with other kids at home and one in the hospital. Going back and forth. Not being able to work because someone needs to stay with him. His parents are the best and try to do what they can but it's been hard lately. So if there is anyway you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Any little bit will help. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully help.
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