Ashley goes to Madagascar:After learning about AYC at North American Youth Congress, I was intrigued, but not "sold" on the concept. I was convinced that I was too busy and my life was too hectic for a trip like this. So, like any one, I pushed this thought off to the side. It wasn't until God began to deal with me approximately two months ago that I began to open up my eyes. I spoke with my mother and told her that I had felt a call to go on an AYC trip and she assured me that we would pray about it together--this was not something to be taken lightly. So, one night I began to pray and I asked God to send me an absolutely indisputable confirmation that this was His will. The next Sunday, Sandy Jordan, wife of Bishop J. Mark Jordan of Toledo, Ohio, approached me. She told me that while she was awake in the middle of the night, God impressed upon her that I needed to go on this missions trip. Immediately I felt the confirmation. So, the next step was to determine the destination. After much prayer and fasting, the Lord began to impress upon me the island of Madagascar. I began to research the island and the Richardson family and immediately I knew that this was where I needed to be. Of course, I sought pastoral guidance. My pastor, Kris Dillingham of Toledo, Ohio, said as soon as I began to talk to him about this, all he could envision was the island of Madagascar. He said, with tears streaming down his face, that beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is where I need to be.http://youtu.be/fTIXcECj--0
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