

It’s our worst nightmare. HHSC in Texas has kicked Amelia off Medicaid as of 6/30/2024. Amelia can no longer go see any of her doctors or specialists. She cannot get her monthly medical supplies. We have to pay out of pocket for her prescriptions. We will be losing her oxygen we have for emergencies. She cannot get any therapies. Nurse Taylor is gone. And she cannot go to school since she has no nurse. We don’t have extra money to buy things like the Billy’s footwear shoes that are the only shoe that works with her AFO’s, and yes - we even have to buy her monthly formula out of pocket. We are having to rely on other parents that have surpluses to get things like syringes and extensions and pulse ox probes. We have been trying desperately to get her back on Medicaid. We have reapplied twice and been denied despite the fact our income ebbs and flows as Trace is self employed. They currently can’t find our Medicaid buy in application. She’s number 2661 out of 6012 kids waiting for a waiver for medically dependent children to keep receiving Medicaid. But for now - all her medical care and costs falls on us. Marketplace plans and private insurance won’t cover things like her DME and home health nursing so neither of those are options. And Amelia isn’t the only one who lost coverage - so did 2 of her sisters. This money will go to all the out of pocket expenses we need until we can get her back on.

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