Many people, besides those in my families inner circle, don’t know that my father was recently diagnosed with ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Those who have of have had friends/family with this disease know it’s terminal and extremely devastating as it progresses. My father has always been a healthy man, hardly drank, never smoked, and would help anyone build something, fix something, or research the best car via consumer reports . Recently retired, he does not deserve this disease….but there is nothing we can do. Today is my birthday and the greatest gift I could ever receive would be to help my father prolong his life. He gave me mine, I want to do what I can to help he and my mother. My mother worked over 40 years in the medical field as a nurse, helping to bring babies into this world, and teaching the future nurses how to be compassionate and kind. She also just retired …and now on Medicare…. My father is currently on two medications. One my mother was able to research and find at a reasonable cost, the other…not so much as insurance is most likely…not going to pay. My hope is to raise enough money to help pay for my father’s second medication while they go through the insurance appeal process. My parents NEVER ask to help, support, or a hand out….(they do not even know about this…..)…But I could read my mother’s face when she explained the overall costs with the reply, “we will figure it out somehow.” I know my Dad will never watch my daughter graduate high school, watch her go to her first prom, or even her junior high graduation. I just want him to be around for as long as he can for his children and grandchildren. It’s not fair by any means what is happening to him and the ugly road he has to travel. Please take care of yourself, take care of your parents, loved ones….life can change in a moment. These times make us value what we have and had. Always be grateful, humble, and kind. Thank you ❤️
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