Four months ago you all felt in it your hearts to support my journey to Brazil and now that my journey is coming to an end, I wanted to let you all know how extremely GRATEFUL I am for that. This is what YOUR contributions helped me learn: 1.PATEINCEI experienced what it is like to be a stranger to a country and how challenging it is to get around when your knowledge of the common language is limited. When I arrived I was in shock at how much I couldnt understand. I would get frustrated trying to communicate and at one point I stopped trying. But over time I learned to be paitent with myself and take a breath before giving up. I also learned to be patient with others because they were trying their best to understand me and help me understand them.2.STRENGTH Alright if im being honest, I stumbled through my first month here. I was adjusting to my new life a different rate than my peers and I was terribly homesick. I felt out of control because things back in the states were changing and moving forward and I felt left out. I questioned myself and what I was doing here, but after some good talks with my family and friends at home and the new friends I made here, I realized I had to be strong forget about everything else and live in the moment. I learned that strength was allowing myself to feel what ever I am feeling but not letting it stop me from enjoying my days.3.INDEPENDENCEAlthough I had a group of people going through this experience with me, for the most part I was a girl alone in a big city and a foreign country. I have always felt that I have been a responsible person and I was raised to take care of myself, but I was put to the test in a way that surpasses going away to college. Of course I was still calling my mom because she gives the best advice, but the everyday issues and concerns required me to tap into my resources and common sense. I had to survive!4.SELF AWARENESSThis trip taught me an important lesson about knowing when to speak up and knowing when to shut up, listen, and learn. I have my limit vocabulary to thank for this because there were times when I didn’t know how or what to say and I was forced to listen. I used this as an opportunity to practice self control and just observe. I learned a lot about the people around me and was able to see things from a different perspective. 5.SELF REFLECTIONI took the time to be myself a lot on this trip. I pushed myself to venture off by myself and be alone with my thoughts and feelings. I embraced what it feels like to be in my own company and how peaceful it can be to be somewhere and not talk to anyone. I kept a journal that I could jot down any epiphanies, worries, fears, or experiences I had. Through this I learned a lot about what I do and don’t want out my life and what I want to do when I return home. 6.GRATITUDEI am extremely humbled and grateful for the life I have! I missed my family and friends so much that it hurt. I have people in my life who genuinely love me and believe in me and I could have never gone through this without them. Being here I realized that I took certain things for granted and that I need to slow down sometimes and show my appreciation for the life that I have and the people who are in it because nothing lasts forever and who knows what going to happen tomorrow.My heart is full, my eyes are wide open, and my mind is focused. I couldnt fully express how I am feeling now that this chapter of my life is coming to a close in this letter. Just know that I am forever changed, I have enjoyed my time in Brazil and gave it my best but I am waiting in blissful anticipation to come home! Thank you all for playing a part in this with me. I will never forget it. ATÉ MAIS! (See you later!),Aaliyah
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