

Hello, My name is Melissa. I have a 14 year old child named Ellery. Ellery is an amazing kid who is also on the Autism Spectrum. Over winter break Ellery had their very first seizure. They have never had a seizure before and it was terrifying to watch. Ellery recovered quickly and we have them under the care of a neurologist at this time. However since then Ellery has had two more seizures. We have been advised not to leave Ellery alone until we know more about what triggers the seizures. This has really given Ellery the blues as they are very independent and they love to take long walks, meet friends, and go to their old elementary school to swing on the swings and decompress. However many of these activities are no longer an option because Ellery cannot be alone. And for a fourteen year old teen that can be pretty frustrating to have adults breathing down your neck every minute. If we can raise the funds we would love to get Ellery a seizure detecting therapy dog so that they can have more freedom- like before all this seizure business occurred. The life Ellery is living right now is not ideal for their self-worth and Ellery is becoming increasingly frustrated and sad. We just want Ellery to have every opportunity to exercise their independence and freedom that all teens crave. To live their best life. A therapy dog would change the game for Ellery and allow them to gain back their lost independence and freedom. And with help- we can achieve this for Ellery. Thank you in advance. Love ya'll.

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