Hey friends, as we all know Cal has been going through fainting spells and seizures recently and it's taken a toll on our friends hearts more than we know. Tonight, 7/1, Cal had another seizure that lasted over 2 minutes. The Boswells were in Granby, didn't even finish getting their camp set-up, when Cal went into his episode. Scared shitless of course, they rushed him to a local hospital 30 minutes away. While all initial tests are looking positive, the doc's still recommend they ambulance down to Children's in Denver to continue testing. As of now, that's all we know. I'm hoping we can spread a little joy, and lighten the load a little bit by helping with their medical bills so they can focus on continuing to get the care that Cal needs. Let's rally fam <3. No such thing as a donation too small and if anything, send strong positive words into the universe and lets band together for them when they need it.
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