

In this time of unprecedented personal health challenges, we're reaching out to you, our friends, family, and compassionate strangers, for support in our family's battle against medical adversity. Matthew Dollar, a devoted husband, father, and brother, is fighting two major health crises simultaneously. After undergoing three surgeries at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, to eradicate a growth and infection in his right ear, which led to the removal of three bones, the aim was to keep Matt infection-free so he could proceed with a hearing restoration surgery. Unfortunately, his infection resurfaced. He's now preparing for a second PICC line and thrice-daily infusions to combat the infection. Simultaneously, doctors discovered an acoustic neuroma, a large tumor pressing on his brainstem, which requires delicate brain surgery and subsequent radiation. This procedure will result in total hearing loss in his left ear, necessitating a biCROS hearing device to assist with his future communication needs. At the same time, Matt's wife Melissa has been dealing with her own health issues, which have kept her out of work since March, amplifying the financial strain they’re experiencing. In these trying times, we're reaching out for your help. All donations received from this campaign will go directly towards their living expenses and medical bills, helping Matt and Melissa navigate these tremendous hurdles. We understand that times are tough for many people right now, but we're hopeful that with your help, we can restore Matt's hearing and give him the chance to enjoy the simple sounds of everyday life that many of us take for granted. Any contribution, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. If you cannot donate, sharing our campaign with your network is equally helpful. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your support and compassion.

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