Dear friends of Bruce, Our very gifted and talented, wonderful friend Bruce has been struggling with lung cancer. He was hospitalized with a surgery two weeks ago and today has re-entered the hospital due to a lung infection. The doctors are suggesting there will be another surgery and Bruce is unable to relax, because like so many, he cannot afford the luxury of stopping work at this time. Bruce needs to rest and heal. He needs all of us to support him so that he is able to do this. It would be very helpful if everyone could give whatever they feel. Bruce has been so generous in his gift over the past 30+ years. Many of us in this community have known & appreciated Bruce. He has undeniably given countless hours of his gifts, whether through his hands or his own heart. Still though, it is never fun to ask for help if you’ve managed to get along without asking. Maybe some of you understand this plight. It’s a very uncomfortable position to ask for money from your friends but it’s a wonderful opportunity for people to show you how much they love you. Thank you for your love, support and kind thoughts.
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