Hi, you may all know me as Hilda, but to my babies I am Mama. I’ve loved and carried them long before I saw and held them. They grew in me hearing my heart beat. And now they are what makes my heart beat. I know we all have struggles but I went through a tumultuous relationship and separated from their father last March when I was assaulted. When we had the hearing with OAG he wanted custody of them, me to pay child support, and asked to change only Gideons last name to his. When the judge asked why just the son he said it was for “vanity”. I have custody of them now but recently got served and being taken to court because he wants to take them from me permanently. He’s hired a lawyer and coming after me with every ounce of hate he holds in his body. I know these are tough times and a lot of us are scraping by as I am. After many free consultations I spoke with someone I felt complete peace with and I know in my spirit she is THE ONE TO FIGHT FOR ME. The amount I’m asking for is part of the retainer/security fee. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need it. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my children. NOTHING. Pride aside. I never quite knew my purpose but when I became a mom that was it. The thought of them being taken is really un fathomable. They are my lifeline. I will do whatever it takes. I had my Gideon 2024 and Cheyenne the following year. I stayed home because COVID and because of being a new mother who was breastfeeding and just raising and caring for my new babies. I had a 401k savings from working as a waitress and used most of it to replace a new AC in my ex’s house the same summer we moved in because he couldn’t qualify for the smallest loan and I had the savings from working as a single mom for 5 years. It was 90 degrees in the house and I had faith it would be an investment because we were a “family”. Long story short it was a mistake. He used this as leverage to further control me knowing I had no funds or income. I got out and have had nothing but peace until now. Now my lifeline is being threatened with taking the creations God gave me to bare and carry. My blessings. My purpose. My life. I appreciate anything sent my way. I know it’s hard for everyone. I know we all have battles. But I am asking you to please help me with mine. Thank you and God bless Sincerely, Mama
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