

I have had breast cancer twice. In 2000 I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer( the tumour doubled in size within a month). I had surgery, 8 rounds of chemo and 21 radiation treatments. The radiation burned my skin so badly that I couldn't wear clothes for a week. After a couple of years I had to give up my job because I was diagnosed with post dramatic stress disorder. My body was exhausted and because my imunne system was low I was sick all of the time. In 2009 I was diagnosed the second time. I had a mastectomy and 8 more rounds of heavy duty chemo. The drugs were so strong that my toemails and fingernails turned black and fell out. Last year I had my DNA tested and I have the defective BRCA2 gene. So for preventative reasons I recently had another surgery to have my ovaries and tubes removed. The next step is to have my other breast removed. In the meantime, I have taken care of my ailing elderly parents, who live with me. My father has recently passed away and my mother is an invalid. Because I haven't worked for 11 years my home is mortgaged to the max. It was recently in Power of Sale. I managed to get a second mortgage so that I wouldn't lose the house, but the second mortgage is so large that I can't pay it. My brother is moving in with us but not until Feb. 2016, so I need help to keep me going until then.  I also can't have my next surgery if I have to move, I will be out of comission for almost 2 months and I have nobody to take care of my mother and me. My mom is not well and I am afraid that if I have to move she may not survive it. I'm not sure that I will either. I want to keep her in her  own home as long as possible. I promised my father on his death bed that I will take care of her(not put her in a home). I just lost my dad, I can't lose my home and mom as well. Please help me keep my home for as long as possible.

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