To all family and friends, Beloved son, brother, grandson, partner, cousin, and friend Zachery Hunter passed away on June 30th after a devastating semi-truck accident. He leaves a huge hole in the hearts of his family and friends who were always entertained by his stories and hilarious sense of humor. He was truly one of a kind. Not only was Zack adventurous, courageous, and funny, but he was warm, kind-hearted, and gentle with everyone, and any animals, who crossed his path. Zack just really cared about the people around him. He was also intelligent, inquisitive, and so naturally gifted at athletics and art. More than anything, Zack was strong. He faced many hurdles and setbacks in his life, but he always put one foot in front of the other no matter how long it took and fought battle after battle. We as his family could not have been more proud of him or more in awe of him, and his loss is so deeply felt. We will be celebrating Zack's life Sunday, August 27th, 4-8pm at his family home in West Allis. (Please reach out if you need the address.) There will be a potluck dinner (5pm), sharing of stories from Zack's life (6pm), and fireworks along with a fire for those who wish to stay awhile (7pm). Zack loved his fireworks! This isn't easy to ask but if you are considering a donation and able to contribute, we would be extremely grateful for assistance with the cost of Zack's end of life arrangements. There were no policies set up/available to cover these costs through his employer, and the family is trying their best to give Zack the send off he deserves. Thank you so much for your time, consideration, and for loving our boy.
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