The adorable boy in the cover photo is Waldo, a 10 year old rescue boy, who up until June acted like he was a puppy. Unfortunately, he is now experiencing extreme pain and muscle spasms due to a compressed disc in his neck. He needs to see a Dog Neurologist to get an MRI and then will likely need surgery to relieve his pain. Just the first visit and MRI will cost nearly $3000. He’s already had hundreds of dollars in vet visits and medications to help him find some relief, but I can’t say it helps much. The arch in his back in the photo is a sign of pain in dogs. I miss my happy, playful boy, but I need your help to get him back. His little sister wants her playmate back. Please help my boy feel better. He’s a senior boy, but he’s got so much love and life left, once he gets the treatment he needs.
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