

On July 24th, a profound and sorrowful event shook the very core of our family - the departure of our cherished son, brother, and friend, Yohan, who has now found rest in Heaven. Tragically, while spearfishing alongside his close friends, Yohan encountered an unforeseen fate, leaving us all devastated as he couldn't make it back to the surface. The news of Yohan's untimely passing has left both our family and the entire community in a state of heartbreak. It is evident that he held a special place in the hearts of many, receiving love and admiration from friends at school, members of our church/YWAM, and, of course, our family. The void he has left behind cannot be adequately expressed in mere words; the ache of his absence is immeasurable. We extend our gratitude to everyone that has reached out, and appreciate your understanding if we have not been able to get back to you. As we attempt to come to terms with our loss, we humbly request the support and generosity of our community to help us during this difficult time. Yohan's sudden departure has left us unprepared for the overwhelming costs that have arisen. We want to honor his memory in the most dignified manner possible, ensuring a heartfelt farewell to the young soul who brought so much joy and love to our lives. Any contribution, no matter how small, would be a tremendous help and would be received with profound gratitude. If you find it in your heart to lend a helping hand, your generosity will not only ease our financial strain but will also provide much-needed comfort during this period of grief. In addition to financial assistance, your thoughts, prayers, and emotional support are equally invaluable to us as we navigate through this painful journey of loss and healing. Together, as a compassionate community, we can honor the memory of our beloved Yohan and extend our love to his family during this unimaginably difficult time. The organization of this fundraiser is Yohan's sister, Sarah (Yuri), and all the donations we recieve will be deposited into my parent's account (JoungHo and Michelle). They will use these funds to pay for all of Yohan's medical, rescue, and funeral costs. As of now, we do not have any plans set for his funeral service, and will keep our community updated as our family makes these decisions. Yohan came into this world on February 21, 2006, and grew up on the Big Island surrounded by an abiding love for nature and the ocean. At only 17 years old, he was on the brink of embracing his senior year at Kealalakehe High School, eagerly anticipating the boundless possibilities that lay ahead. Though he may no longer be among us physically, his legacy will forever live on, etched in the hearts of those he touched with his kindness and genuine warmth. With gratitude, JoungHo, Michelle, Sarah & Esther 한국어: 7월 24일, 소중한 아들이자 형제이자 친구인 요한이는 주님곁으로 떠낫습니다. 불행하게도 요한은 절친한 친구들과 함께 작살 낚시를 하던 중 예상치 못한 운명에 부딪혔고, 수면 위로 돌아올 수 없게 되자 우리 모두는 절망에 빠졌습니다. 요한의 갑작스러운 사망 소식은 우리 가족과 지역 사회 전체를 비탄에 빠뜨렸습니다. 요한이는 학교 친구, 우리 교회/YWAM 교인, 그리고 물론 요한이가 가족들로부터 사랑과 존경을 받으며 많은 사람들의 마음 속에 특별한 자리를 차지했음이 분명합니다. 요한이가 남긴 공허함은 단순한 말로 적절하게 표현할 수 없습니다. 연락해 주시는 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 우리의 손실을 받아들이려고 노력하면서 이 어려운 시기에 우리를 도울 수 있도록 커뮤니티의 지원과 관대함을 겸허히 요청합니다. 요한의 갑작스러운 이탈로 인해 발생한 엄청난 비용에 대비할 수 없었습니다. 우리는 우리 삶에 많은 기쁨과 사랑을 가져다 준 젊은 영혼에게 진심 어린 작별을 고하며 가장 품위 있는 방식으로 그의 기억을 기리고 싶습니다. 아무리 작은 기여라도 엄청난 도움이 될 것이며 깊은 감사로 받아들여질 것입니다. 도움의 손길을 마음속으로 찾으신다면, 당신의 관대함은 우리의 재정적 부담을 덜어줄 뿐만 아니라 이 슬픔의 시기에 절실히 필요한 위로를 제공할 것입니다. 금전적 지원 외에도 이 고통스러운 상실과 치유의 여정을 헤쳐나가는 당신의 생각, 기도, 감정적 지원은 우리에게 똑같이 귀중합니다. 자비로운 공동체로서 함께 우리는 사랑하는 요한을 추모하고 상상할 수 없을 정도로 어려운 이 시기에 그의 가족에게 우리의 사랑을 확장할 수 있습니다. 최중호, 이종은, 최유리, 최유정 올림

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