A group of (aspiring) endurance athletes at Westminster Chapel in Toronto have been going on weekend 'speed hikes' on various trails in Ontario We decided it is time rachet it up and TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL Our mission is to walk 100 km within 24 hours. We will be doing 3 laps on the 35 km 'Caledon Trailway' The date is set for July 28th, 2024 Our brave warriors include: -Johannes Tiukuvaara (Westminster) -Will Moore (Westminster) -Tyler Koverko (Westminster) -Alex S (Westminster) -Greg Van Dyken (Immanuel) -Ethan V (Immanuel) -Jennifer N (Immanuel) -Andrew V (Immanuel) -Chris V (Principal of Hope Academy) -Nathan Van Dyken (Immanuel) Bring on the blisters, debilitating aches and pain, punishing heat, and the ferocious beasts...ok not that last one Ezra 1:5; Psalm 144:1 We could use some motivation. So we are asking for donations. We are optimistic there will be tax receipts 100% of the proceeds will go directly to our Church's fabulous school - Westminster Christian Classical Academy. For over a decade, WCCA has been faithfully providing a rigorous Christian education for youngsters throughout the GTA We want to set an example for the students of pushing your boundaries and getting outside of your comfort zone https://westminsterclassical.ca/?gclid=CjwKCAjw44mlBhAQEiwAqP3eVkaL4V4YVrLZ7uPrpm2-92mC1LM66MH_kffZk_MMHE_oFAU0H6kA2xoCb9gQAvD_BwE
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