Update 2024-05-03 My cat had to be admitted on Tuesday for a full urinary blockage. I threw everything I had at it. Some miscommunication and things but the short version is that it cost more than expected, and way more than I was prepared for. I owe 950 on a 1650 bill. Wag has been in 6 times in less than one year for Urinary Tract Issues. I estimate that the total over the year (from last summer) has been $4500. He turned 2 last month, and it's been a roller coaster. I have set the donation goal at half that, it would be just enough for one more emergency. I would love to be prepared because it's very likely to happen again at some point. Hopefully not before I have time to recover the savings. The though of having to surrender him is unthinkable and so I've tried my best to set aside a fund for him, but with this emergency it has not only been drained but I had to borrow $950 to cover the emergency. I am on ODSP with a part time job, my income in very limited but my determination to do whatever it takes to take care of my cat is very unlimited. The easiest way to see what kind of bond I have with this cat is to visit his Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/wagthetabby/ He is absolutely irreplaceable, there is no question. There is a lot of medical and fundraiser history below, I will add some new invoices to the list when I get them Thanks so Much Shawn Previous fundraisers below -- Hi, I'm Shawn and I am trying to care for My young sick cat. Diagnosed with urinary crystals and infection at just over a year and a half. In 5 weeks we have been to two vets. Tried antibiotics and relaxants, and expensive prescription food. It seems to be reoccurring consistently towards the end of each treatment. UPDATES: August 24th: Wag has taken his last antibiotic last night. He has been doing well and I am hoping that we are going to be okay. I am still struggling with the costs of food and recent care. I would like to have a minimum of a follow-up saved, but ideally enough to cover the worst-case scenario (surgery) should the need arise. The condition is chronic but manageable. With such a rough 6 weeks it would be silly of me to assume that we won't see this again. Hopefully not for a while, but I would like to be prepared. His Name is Wag, he is a Spoiled Baby This is his Instagram I love him so much, he saved my life and I'm trying to save his I've never met a cat quite like him. I had just recently spent around 700 dollars on my senior cat. When suddenly my younger one began having trouble urinating. I got him some emergency care and antibiotics but after 7 days he is peeing blood. Another urinalysis is pointing to crystals, he is on food and medication. I have spent around 7 months of my income on these cats in less than 2. I have spent all my savings, borrowed and fundraised what I could. If anything else goes wrong I am done. I have spent my food and laundry money for them and I am pretty worried that it won't be enough. Anything helps me save up an emergency fund for a possible blockage. It seems likely to happen at some point being he is only 1.5 and having issues. These are most of the vet bills and notes about Wag, They are hard to upload here completely I will find a better way. It's been very long and very difficult. I'm sorry about the delay in this update, It's been 9 days and I'm still exhausted. I am doing my best to try and rest and recover The Vets have been great and the support has been lifesaving for both of us. Thank You so much! I would love to be prepared for the worst case and not have to worry about a life-threatening emergency that I'm not prepared for. In the short term, I will need to get him to the vet for some follow-up testing In the long term, I need to have the emergency funds for the surgery to unblock him if the worst case arises. I intend to put any donations not immediately needed into a trust to be held for any future emergency care. I am hoping that the diet will be enough but I can't be sure. I would not want to face him needing intervention and not be prepared. Please if you can donate even the minimum 5 dollars or share the fundraiser it would really help. Thanks for Your Support Shawn Mason
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