Hi everyone, meet my best friend Pickles. She's been a part of my family for the past 10 years and for those who don't know these particular breed last sometime into their 20's. She has some fatty tumors on her long little bod, and there is one that has become overwhelmingly large on her chest and has been unbearable for her to walk and live a normal life. we’ve been putting a little shirt on her so she can go out and we can protect it. after a few step if falls out and makes almost unable for to walk. she is a little dog, its now so large, it drags across the ground making her skin bleed. She has SO much life left and still acts like a puppy sometimes. I've been trying to do this alone but even getting it checked out cost $280.00 for the visit. Saving on my own has been difficult, working so its also hard to be home to watch after her and take care of her. It needs taken care of asap, i have been doing everything i can. my sweet pickles needs your help. Surgery has been estimated at $4,000 by blue pearl of Southfield, she has been there before and I trust the care and professionalism the team of vets give. I'm asking for the help of surgery. I will take care of the vet Fees before and after the surgery which are estimated between 650-900. If you can't donate maybe just share? Also I'd like to let it be known I have called several grant programs and have been denied pet insurance 2x. we are trying our best and this wasn't our first go to. In fact this is the last attempt to help her life I honestly don't know where to turn it what to do it's grown to the point of an emergency now. For the love of pets, dogs, dachshunds, and most of all right now Pickles
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